Below is a step-by-step guide to how to create a campaign.
You can click on the illustration to the left of the text to enlarge the image.
Select from the Campaign drop-down menu - "Create campaign"
Campaign creation information is located in 5 steps.
Campaign Description
Recipient of donations
Creator of the campaign - it's you
Save your campaign information
The information in the campaign you create will not be saved until you complete all the required fields (marked with an asterisk) and until you click on the checkbox to agree to the Terms and Conditions.
By clicking on the "Save Campaign" button, the system will save the information but the campaign will NOT be automatically posted online. When campaign is approved by an administrator, you will receive an email with a notification that your campaign is active.
We wish you success!
IDEASPONSOR.ORG aims to assist and facilitate individuals, groups, social causes and non-profit organizations to raise funds online.